April 2011’s massage music was called April Air.
Click play above (and turn up your speakers) to hear 30 second samples from the CD.
Welcome to April 2011’s Music of Massage: April Air
The month of April seems to me to be about air. During April, on the breeze you can smell that summer is coming, flower scents begin to be in the air, and the scent of new life springing up. But the air still has the crispness of winter. It’s also a great time of year for taking a deep breath, reflecting on the point that 1/4 of the year is gone, and that 3/4 of the year still remains.
It’s a good time to check on the quality of the air in your home as well, because as spring pollen comes into the air, many people experience allergies. Breathing techniques help people get through some of these challenges, but learning breathing techniques is made easier by good quality air. So, if you haven’t checked the air quality in your home and in the space where you give massage, this might also be a good time for that.
All of this transition time between winter/spring/summer can be made easier with the help of the right music, and so I hope you enjoy this month’s selections for Music Of Massage: April Air
April 2011 Massage Music – April Air
Alternatively, if you would like to purchase multiple massage music CD’s (Save Money), please visit the Buy CD’s page.